Listed below, you'll find a list of important phone numbers for the city of Stevenson, Washington. If there's something you'd like to see added here or if you find something no longer in service or out of date, please drop us a line. We'd appreciate it!
Animal Control: 509-427-9490
Cable Television: (Broadstripe) 800-829-2225
City Hall: 509-427-5970
Court: 509-427-3780
DMV: White Salmon 509-493-1131 or Goldendale 509-773-5400
Electric Company: 509-427-5126
Employment Agency: (Worksource Columbia Gorge) 509-427-4464
Fire Department: 509-427-5552
Garbage: 509-427-4122
Gas Company: (Avista) 800-223-9165
Hospital: (Skyline Hospital and Ambulance) 509-427-4083
Info: 411
Library: 509-427-5471
Movie Listings: (HR Cinemas) 541-386-7503
Pharmacy: (Wind River Pharmacy) 509-427-5480
Phone Company:
- Embarq: 866-228-1362
- Gorge Networks: 888-508-2362
- Saw.Net: 509-427-4865
- Sheriff 509-427-9490
- State: 800-283-7805
Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222
Post Office: 509-427-5532
Road Conditions: 509-427-9492
- Carson Elementary: 509-427-5939
- Stevenson Elementary: 509-427-5672
- Wind River Middle School: 509-427-8952
- Stevenson High School: 509-427-5631
Suicide Hotlind: 1-800-273-8255
Taxi Service: (Senior Service/Public Transportation) 509-427-3990
Visitor Information: (Chamber of Commerce) 509-427-8911
Water: 509-427-5970