Welcome to our "About The Dalles" page where you'll find a brief overview on the city. Got questions? Email us at gorgeconnection@hotmail.com.
Population: 12,300
Zip Code: 97058
County: Wasco
White: (85.0%)
Hispanic: (10.5%)
Two or more races: (1.6%)
Asian: (0.9%)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: (0.6%)
Black: (0.3%)
Other: (0.09%)
Average Daytime Highs: January 41F, May 73F, July-August 87F, November 50F.
Humidity: Very Low
Precipitation: Low
Snowfall: December/January but doesn't stick around long except for the higher elevations.
Other Pertinent Information: (Listed Alphabetically)
Area Code: 541
Best Known For: Cherries
Cost of Living Index: 86.1 (United States Avg = 100)
Elevation: 300 Feet
Incorporated: 1850
Land Area: 256.2 Sq. Miles
Lattitude: 45.59 N
Longitutde: 121.23 W
Median Home Value: $195,805 (2009)
Median Household Income: $41,351 (2009)
Median Real Estate Taxes: $1,454 (As of 2000)
Median Resident Age: 39.3
Population Density: 76 per square mile (low)
Unemployment: 9.7% (2011)
Notes of Interest: Dry climate makes for great place to live for those with allergies. TONS of sunshine, even when it's freezing cold outside.
Lodging - Whether you're looking for a hotel, motel, campground, rv park, vacation rental or bed and breakfast, we've got you covered! We list pet friendly establishments as well!
Camping - Detailed list of campgrounds where you can pitch a tent and enjoy the beautiful Columbia River Gorge!
Cycling - List of popular routes where you can get on your bike, start pedaling and nail down a good workout!
Hiking - List of all the cool hikes you can take including popular walking trails.
Fishing - Bait that hook, cast out and reel in a big one at one of the many fishing holes on our list! We also note establishments where you can obtain a daily or seasonal fishing license.
Hunting - Few realize that this city has some of the best hunting in the state. We reveal all the great places to lock and load including where you can pick up a license!
Lakes - Whether you're going for a swim or looking to catch tonight's dinner, The Dalles has you covered!
Rivers - The MIGHTY COLUMBIA dominates this town's list of rivers. List includes boat ramps!